Monday, May 19, 2014

Human Resource Development Best Practices: Part 2

Human Resource Development Best Practices: Part 2

Having a employee grievance policy is a must in any organization.  It is essential that each employee be given an opportunity to communicate their problems or concerns in a formalized way. By doing so, a level of trust is developed with staff which improves the overall working conditions.  What you don't want is disgruntle employees going around complaining to any and every employee that will listen. Disgruntle or dissatisfied employees are to be handled very delicately and very quickly. Negative feelings of dissatisfaction can spread through the organization like a bad cancer.

Job evaluations and performance appraisals are important, not only to determine the worth of the employee but also to determine the proper compensation for that position within the organization.  These documents can also serve as great tools for determining the correct placement of employees and help with developing a professional development plan.

Understanding the Best practices of HRD in your Early Childhood program, shows your dedication to the profession. It is all about respecting staff, supporting each one in their growth and development and being committed to making sure that everyone is treated fairly in compensation and growth potential.

For more informational resources for the Early Childhood Professional, contact Networx LLC.

Tina Oliver, M.Ed.
Training and Development Specialist
Networx LLC
Early Childhood Training, Resource and Consulting Company

Part 2 of 2, read part 1

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